26 in Dodoma
Mackay House,
P. O. Box 15 Dodoma, Tanzania.

Round Table Meeting
between the DCT and Partners
from overseas (UK, USA, Canada,
Australia, and New Zealand)
The aim of the meeting was to discuss and agree on common sections of work. The meeting was held from 03rd to 5th March 2020 in Dodoma Region.
Raised storage water tank with
45,000 liters constructed by DCT
program at Nkhome village
The Storage water tank save two villages which include Nkhome and Mapanga in Bahi District Council.
Conservation Agriculture (CA)
Farm promoted by DCT to address
the challenge of climate change,
main drought and erratic rain.
Three principles are promoted mainly,
1 - Minimum soil disturbance with hand hoe or ripper.
2 - Soil cover with crop residue or GM/ CC (Green manure/ Cover crops).
3 - Crop association with inter-cropping or crop rotation.
The photo of cassava
from Msalato farm
Apart from being food, cassava is a cash crop grown by DCT as a source of income.
DCT Hombolo farm The farm produces and sells milk heifers, steers and hay bales as a source of income. DCT supporting district councils (Bahi, Chamwino and Dodoma city council) with PPEs to address the challenge of COVID 19 pandemic disease Promotion, mobilization and training of saving and lending groups. By using methods of SwE (Savings with Education) and another is VSLa (Village Saving and Lending association). Farmers’ Exhibitions at Nanenane grounds in Nzuguni within Dodoma City Council. DCT prepared CA plots as a demonstration and advocacy of strategy. DCT- Under construction investment building on Plot No.7 at the Cathedral in Dodoma City Centre. Upon completion, the building will be the source of income. DCT Headquarter Office Mackay House, Block No. 6 which is located along the nineth and hospital roads, near the CCT building in within Dodoma City Centre. Apart from being Headquarter, within the building there is a Health Center and several Departments. On the left is Eye Checkup and on the right are Dental services These are some of the services provided at Mackay Health Center located within Mackay house, DCT Headquarter, in Dodoma City center

Welcome to the Diocese of Central Tanganyika (DCT)

The Rt. Rev. Dr. Chilongani - Bishop of DCT.
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Dickson Daud Chilongani was elected sixth as Bishop of the Diocese of Central Tanganyika (DCT) on October 8th 2014 in the country’s administrative capital of Dodoma, winning more than 90 percent of the votes in a country where Episcopal elections are often hotly contested. He is a third person in the Anglican Church of Tanzania’s history to be elected as Bishop while serving as General Secretary of the Anglican Church of Tanzania (ACT).
The Synod was held under the chairmanship of the diocesan Bishop of Tarime the Rt. Rev. Dr. Mwita Akiri on behalf of the Primate, the Most Rev. Dr. Jacob Chimeledya.
Bishop Chilongani got the most votes during the special Synod whose atmosphere was described by one member as “great and interesting”.Of the 716 members of Synod 658 voted for Rt. Rev. Dr. Dickson Daud Chilongani and only 58 voted for the other candidate.
“This tells you the extent of people’s expectations from us; we feel powerless and will only rely on God’s guidance and prayer.”

Rt. Rev. Dr. Dickson Daud Chilongani wrote in a letter to his friends around the world.

More about the Bishop
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DCT Events
Saturday 1 May/2021
Mackay House
February 2025